Saturday 5 April 2014

9 - What's Your Number?

Connection To THE SITTER - Ari Graynor

I think I'm more tolerant to so-called "chick flicks" then the average male, don't get me wrong I enjoy action - all those manly sort of films - but I can sit and enjoy all sorts of chick flicks, which too me is honestly all that easier when the two ladies have decent chemistry and you care whether they get together or not.

Of course with that I'm talking about the romance aspect of it, which is often a key thing of something described as a chick flick, there's been some so-called great chick flicks or rom-coms where I just didn't give a crap if the two people ended or if they killed each other in a suicide pact or whatever - my natural thing for not liking Meg Ryan (Innerspace excluded) means when she's in that area, the film as already lost me -

Happily for me Anna Faris and Chris Evans, the stars of this movie have easy chemistry before the inevitable falling for each other, then something keeping them apart then a final grand gesture, the movie sees the only-in-the-land-of-film-and-TV issue of Anna Faris getting hung up of having slept with 20 men, way more then most of her friends and her engaged sister (Ari Graynor) and decides it sort of enough and maybe she as found her soulmate between the guys she's already been in, Chris Evans plays her next door neighbour who sleeps around and puts his detective skills to good use to find the 20 men so she can she can see if one of them was the one that got away.

Most of her exes are familiar faces who drop by for fun cameos - Martin Freeman, Andy Samberg etc. and Faris real life beau Chris Pratt plays an ex she keeps accidentally stalking - all of them for whatever reason are proven to not actually being the one, during this time it's clear Faris and Evans are falling for each other.

Like I say that description there nails it, it's something that wouldn't happen in real life unless you was really trying to recreate a rom-com plot, but the film gets by on the chemistry of the leads and some funny scenes.

On a note, I don't know which came first but the opening is identical to Bridesmaids opening, both where released in 2011 so I just think it's a case of both villages inventing the wheel at the same time. and on a more pervert note - Anna Faris has a nice body - she shows her butt off and yeah I thought this bit would be worth mentioning. 

It's negative is really the thing that didn't bother me, the predictableness of it all - sometimes the obvious route is the right route for a film.

Overall it's enjoyable, charming and funny, it's not a classic but it's a worthy entry into the rom-com genre, 

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