Saturday 5 April 2014

5 - The Rich Man's Wife

Connection To PERMANENT MIDNIGHT - Peter Greene.
Halle Berry - it seems to me many, many years from now she still will go down as an Oscar Winner - the first black woman to win Best Actress - that will never get took away from her, I just think her whole career will go down as a bit meh, I'm not saying she's had a bad career, it's just it's a career more Gothika, B*A*P*S, Catwoman, Perfect Stranger etc. and I'm not saying somebody should be completely blamed on their worst movies it's just whenever she's, besides an odd few the films are far from classic.

That above paragraph is not me saying I dislike Halle Berry and I was trying to be polite about it, that's me saying, hey if a film says it stars Halle Berry and it's on the shelf in a shop I'll think twice (or thrice) about picking it up to watch.

The Rich Man's Wife is from 1996 and is from before she started being considered an A-List actress, she was known there just wasn't a bonafide hit or critically acclaimed film with her name on it and it would be 4-5 years before that really changed in my opinion.

The Rich Man's Wife is something I've never seen before, I recall it being on the satellite movie channels but I just never settled on it and to be honest I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing it, the best possible thing I can say about it that's a run-of-the-mill thriller.

Halle Berry stupidly mentions that she is sometimes fantasizes about her husband's death to Peter Greene, who she doesn't really know which is pretty stupid since it's evident Greene is a bit on the crazy side, he "shockingly" ends up becoming aggressive when she spurns his advances, the passage of time happens and Berry and her husband (whose played by Shooter McGavin, I should have mentioned earlier) start to mend the relationship, but Greene ends up killing him and demands $30,000 off Berry for the silence.

For a thriller it's certainly... thrill-less, you can't really critique Greene's performance, he is decent as the psychopath, it's just not a great film with weak-ass motivations, Clea Lewis who has a couple of scenes should also be signaled out for how enjoyable she is. I should also say Clive Owen is in this, I had no idea he was making a film in America this early - for most of the movie he really doesn't have much to work with though.

I can't really hate on Halle Berry's performance because it's not fair to call it bad - it's a film of obvious twists and turns (I knew a character would be involved from their first scene) and the police that it keeps cutting back to just sort of seem ineffectual and they don't really have much bearing on anything related to the main plot.

Overall, I just don't think there is not enough to recommend of this movie, it feels like a been there, done it, seen it all before sort of thriller, this is the sort of thing that will end up becoming a distant memory even in weeks to come.

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