Saturday 5 April 2014

11 - Veronica Mars

Connection To WAITING - Justin Long
To start thing off I'm a massive fan of the Veronica Mars TV series, I have watched the series multiple times and still holds my interest even after knowing who committed what crimes. Do you want to know what's on my far living room wall - A Veronica Mars poster, the autographs of Kristen Bell and Amanda Seyfried next to it, and Harry Hamlin the other side, so yeah I just wanted to say it wasn't an understatement.

Sadly at the time Veronica Mars just wasn't getting enough viewers and ended after only 3 seasons and for me it was just filed with many other TV series has gone too soon. Last year though - Rob Thomas, the series creator, Bell and other co-stars launched a Kickstarter, attempting to raise $2 million in a month, it quickly did that amount and ended making over $5 million. I think the money they wanted to raise was also a sign to see if anybody would actually be interested in it - the answer was of course yes... I've read some negativity about this on IMDB boards (I know I should have just stayed away), I think there's all sorts of reasons for the negativity one to me is why not there favourite show - maybe one day soon it will happen for them - VM fans just put there money where there mouth was.

Veronica Mars coming back even after watching the movie still feels like a dream, I just never believed I would see these characters again - the sequel books, yes I could see but the characters living and breathing again by the actors who played I would have thought was out of the realm of possibility for a little watched but loved show.

The film picks up 9 years after the third season and Veronica has left the P.I. business and Neptune behind and is getting interviewed by a prestigious law firm and is in a relationship with season 3 regular Piz (Chris Lowell), who I believe it says they didn't stay together but have got back together in the years since, but she is contacted by her smoldering ex Logan (Jason Dohring), who is accused of murdering his girlfriend Carrie Bishop (who was a character in an episode of the show but was played by Leighton Meester, now she's played by Andrea Estella) and he is being bombarded with offers from offers from lawyers and she agrees to return to Neptune to help him choose the right one - I won't spoil anymore really but this is the crux of what gets her to Neptune.

As a long-term and big fan of the show I LOVED THIS - what I am writing is going to be based on that all warm and glowing feeling the film gave me, I was shouting the characters name at the screen such as GIA (Krysten Ritter who is one of my crushes behind KB) and SACKS where too names I said when they would come on and it only felt a few characters where missing (Jackie, Backup etc.) and those such as Van Clemons may have been short and sweet but they got their moments at least though some would have been welcome to stay around a bit longer.

The central mystery is decent which considering they only had 100 minutes rather then  a season still felt satisfying. There was also a bunch of welcome new faces who were welcome additions such as Gaby Hoffmann and even a surprise cameo of an actor as themselves.

There was one sole negative for this movie for me - Dax Shepherd - Kristen's real life beau, I'm not blaming him here but he is a cameo has a skeezy night club guy who dances to try and seduce Veronica and she pulls a face of disgust. I thought the joke was too obvious and knew it was coming the moment I saw him, VM is better then that but luckily it's what a 30 second scene in the entire movie.

Some other points of the movie I would just like to say - Tina Majorino as Mac looked even prettier then she ever did in the series (she was still pretty in the series) and KB though you got argue was still with the baby weight (bigger boobs then normal etc). she fit back in the role of Veronica perfectly and it's like she never went away.

Overall a magical movie for me, I was literally smiling throughout I was so pleased to be seeing this, who knows maybe a second viewing might change some opinion but I am staying with this for now . I AM A MARSHMALLOW

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