Saturday 5 April 2014

10 - Waiting

Connection To WHAT'S YOUR NUMBER? - Anna Faris
Waiting is the sort of film that just passed me by, not completely unnoticed I was aware of it's existence on it's original release but considering it came out at one of my peak times for buying DVD, it's sort of surprising that I'd never seen it, not even caught it on TV because it's totally the film I'd put on to entertain myself for an hour and a half - also Anna Faris who I find adorable is also in this (though I'm not over-enthused about her current sit-com Mom what I've tried to get into)

It's fair to say this movie is a little bit uneven but sometimes is pretty funny and sometimes very funny - I enjoyed most of the characters particular Alanna Ubach's Naomi (pictured at the top) - on the subject of Ubach, I don't think I've ever give her enough credit she is often good value for money in the stuff I've seen her in - and Chi McBride as Bishop, are the two actors that deserve most mention.

I didn't have a problem with the rest of the cast, all of them often entertaining - Ryan Reynolds playing is typical persona is not a problem for me and Justin Long is likeable in his role. Faris though doesn't have quite enough to do for me liking.

The film is pretty plot-less and closer to just trying to show a particular day at this restaurant, some of it what you expect - doing stuff to a snotty customers food, bad tippers etc. - but the characters feel like they all know each other before the film as started if that makes sense - the familiarity is already there between everyone.

My biggest critiscm here really is there is a bit of homophobia it seems going through the movie - the word Fag used in a degotary term more then once, 2 gays customers who are on screen seconds are just as camp as can be and the lesbian who works there as the sole plot of getting a straight female customer (who's going through relationship) drunk. I can overlook this but it's a negative for me against the movie, and for the fag comments I guess that's the way people talk in certain places.

Overall, a funny and likable film most of the time, while it's more a series of little vignettes with the characters it works as a whole, I would happily watch it again sometime down the line.

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