Monday 23 June 2014

117 - Samurai Reincarnation

Connection To SUSHI GIRL - Sonny Chiba.
I own over 20 Sonny Chiba movies - to some people this might not sound impressive, but bearing in mind here, over the last year I've down-scaled my collection (turning it into an online business), so the part that makes it impressive is that Chiba was one of the few actors who got out unscathed (Bruce Lee also did but obviously he didn't do as much stuff - so it's not as impressive).

I think my love with Chiba started when I got a cheap transfer of the first Street Fighter movie - dubbed but a good quality print - I saw the potential, one birthday my brother get me the British box-office of the three films - all great prints in original language, while at the same time he got me another Chiba set (from the same company all in original language. I think after that I was a bonafide fan - I even now own 2 original posters - one French (for Street Fighter's Last Revenge) and one Yugoslavian (The Killing Machine - probably my favourite movie of his), and though most of my collection is subtitled, I still own some dubbed - mostly because it's the only way I can see them - Samurai Reincarnation is one of those dubbed ones.

The dubbing is bad... I mean you expect the dubbing to be bad on Asian films but this one stands out even among them - they couldn't have got the tone wrong for most voices even if they tried and that kind of takes away from what is a pretty awesome film - seriously I would love to own this in original language, maybe it's out there and somebody could guide me towards it.

I could just see what I would have liked or loved about it if I got to see a decent version of the film - the fight scenes, the set design - this for me showed all the potential in the world, this is the first time in a long time a dubbed version of the movie as honestly took something from the movie.

Overall, I'd say recommend for the movie itself but not recommended for this version if that makes sense, the film deserves a decent treatment that wasn't the version I saw, so yeah that's my word on it.

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