Sunday 22 June 2014

102 - View From The Top

Connection To JUST LIKE HEAVEN - Mark Ruffalo 
For me this movie failed to take off...

Ha ha ha... you see what I did there, because it's about flight attendants. Sadly this lame joke of mine that I couldn't resist is really about the quality of the movie.

I struggled through this because as a comedy it's never funny, you can blame 9/11 all you want (the film was made in 2001 but limped out in 2003 because of those attacks) but it would have just flopped in 2001 in my opinion if the release that year went to plan.

Where do I start, because there really isn't much to talk about - it was not a film I really cared for, Gwyneth Paltrow is an actress I've never really loved (she's done decent work in fairness) and Mike Myers smaller supporting role is hilarious - no wait it's not funny in the slightest.

I really wasn't a fan of the colour scheme of this movie, it felt ugly to look at especially in the costume design - I guess they was trying to go for retro looks (a lot of it's look's 70's - bad 70's) but it just didn't go for me. The last half hour I just wanted to end because the film was really dragging towards it's finish line.

Overall, there is nothing that stands out - well in a good way - there is much better films to spend your time watching, if you own it on DVD and haven't watched it yet, just leave it on the shelf or give it away there is nothing here to see. (so yeah a short write up for the film, doesn't deserve more words).

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