Tuesday 22 April 2014

69 - She's Out Of Control

Connection To WE'RE NO ANGELS - Wallace Shawn.
Noted film critic Gene Siskel said after watching this film he became so depressed and considered quitting his job of film critic (but seeing Say Anything the same day showed him that everything was alright with the world)... so in my opinion, talk about overkill, if I was to make a list of the 100 worst films I have ever seen, this would be nowhere near it mostly because, here's my confession here - I quite liked it.

We all of our own opinions but seriously of likely the 1000's of films Siskel saw, he said this made him depressed, maybe because Siskel wasn't a child of the 1980's so maybe we are viewing things a bit differently this to me was likable 80's goodness - that's a word I keep using again and again I've found I don't think it's because necessarily I struggle for words but for me it can go a long way in a film - while if it's a comedy the jokes can sometimes fall flat but if there is something... likable about the film it leaves me with a good experience of watching the film.

She's Out Of Control sees Tony Danza as the father to 2 girls, one just turned 15 (Ami Dolenz who was 20 at the time of production, that's why I have no problem putting a picture up of her from the film) who goes away for a couple of days. Dolenz is awkward with braces so his girlfriend Catherine Hicks gets her braces removed and a makeover and by the time he comes back there's a line around the block for the newly "beautiful" daughter.

Yeah, so it's not an entirely original plot, there is probably about a 1000 films or TV shows that have had a similar plot but within that here was stuff I found entertaining - Wallace Shawn is a shrink who Danza keeps following the advice and pretty much fills his head with paranoia, who is probably the most enjoyable part of the movie, we also have a young Matthew Perry here as well who plays a jerk pretty well. Dustin Diamond pops up briefly as a kid on the bach and Todd Bridges as a water man (who I assume was just doing his real job... I keed I keed)

It's Ami Dolenz film though if we are not convinced that all these boys would be wanting to get into pants it just wouldn't be convincing, she's very cute and think even plays the change pretty well compared to a lot of films where the characters go through makeovers. Also the film ends with one of those airport scenes where it's only possible pre-9/11.

Overall, I enjoyed watching the film, if critics give it bile maybe over people out there will dislike it, but it would be ideal for somebody doing an 80's night.

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