Thursday 17 April 2014

53 - God Forgives... I Don't!

To me a spaghetti western as the ability to be one of the most enjoyable sub-genres of film - the better ones can mix great characters, the right level of violence and beautiful shots. I am happy to report that God Forgives... I Don't is an extremely good movie. This next bit might not really sound like a compliment but it actually is and that's to say it's a typical spaghetti western.

This was the first pairing between Terence Hill and Bud Spencer who ended up doing 19 films together, while most of them where comedies this one isn't and it as a flashback Bill San Antonio (Frank Wolff, who a year later who play the ill fated Frank McBain in Once Upon A Time In The West, not sure one of my favourite spaghetti westerns but favourite film of all time, so for me it was a bit jarring seeing him in a main role here), who accuses his old friend and partner Cat Stevens (Hill - who doesn't perform Father and Son in the film, I think the name is purely coincidental, I've look it up but nothing comes up) of cheating at cards so Bill orders the other out and tells henchman his henchman to set fire to the house, the pair have a stand-up duel and Bill falls when Cat leaves the house the gang has to follow orders and they let Cat leave. In the present (you know what I mean) a train is robbed and passengers are massacred (which the massacred was a great visual) but one survivor before dying identifies Bill and Cat is told this by Hutch (Spencer). That is the jist of early on, I might stop bother trying to do synopsis because I never want to give too much of films and just write about what I thought.

I was looking up information after I watched the film and was surprised there was some critics and that who didn't like it, but yeah I enjoyed it it's give me more thing to watch more spaghetti westerns as well as maybe more Hill and Spencer (I have seen very little of their films together).

One of my favourite scenes is a captured Cat being constantly lowered into the bottom of a well (like dipped in the water) as sort of punishment/torture, I also liked the flashback duel scene including the bit before. There was other bits I liked coupled with some great wide shots it was a good experience for me.

Overall a very enjoyable SW, with three leads that I enjoyed seeing on the screen, it might be a bit overlong even though it comes in at under 2 hours (maybe 90ish minutes would have suited) but I'd say I'd recommend it.

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