Wednesday 18 June 2014

98 - A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge

Connection To A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET - Robert Englund and oh, yeah it's the first sequel.
The gay Elm Street film...

I'm not saying that out of any sudden case of homophobia (in previous write-ups, I've attacked films for using homophobic dialogue etc.) but rather stating a fact, an obvious move on the part of the director in my opinion.

This was probably my least favourite of the Freddy films growing up because it wasn't like the others, there's no kills in the same way quite like others, as a kid even see Freddy kill somebody via video game (the nadir kill of the series for me) was more exciting to me then anything the film had to offer.

So, yeah I enjoyed it more watching it as an adult, the homoerotic subtext adds an all another level to the film that I obviously didn't pick up on as a kid (the S&M bar was just a regular bar for dudes in my eyes) and the shower scene straight after was just one of the films more memorable kills.

Watching it now, looking back I kind of wish the Freddy films took more chances like it did here to divert from the formula, I don't mean quite like this but there was more ways the character could have gone rather then Freddy just killing everyone in their nightmares in new and exciting ways.

Negatives for the movie is - and this is a double edged sword - there is nothing quite as memorable as any of the other Freddy films, which is a shame, as if there was was I imagine I would be pushing the virtues or it much harder.

Overall, the subtext (or sometimes just text with the more blatant moments) make me appreciate this film and they got away with it for so long, it should be commended for being different it just doesn't stay in the memory for too long after.

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