Tuesday 29 April 2014

85 - The Help

Connection To PRETTY UGLY PEOPLE - director Tate Taylor (also Allison Janney and Octavia Spencer)
I feel like I've been burnt one too many times by films that have recieved Academy Award attention. It didn't help The Help (awkward thing to say) in my eyes that the film won an academy award (and nominated three further times) and to be honest on paper the all film sounds awards-batey - admit it they love films that deal with subjects like race.

Crash was the film I think that ultimately ended my interest in what was nominated, won etc, the awards were already on shaky ground before that (Shakespeare In Love winning Best Picture etc.) but the manipulative rubbish that was Crash killed it, so like I said if I know a film as got Academy Award mention it will go against it - sure I've liked films since then, note not loved - The Hurt Locker, Black Swan etc. and some of the wildcard films have nominated/won such as Bridesmaids and The Dark Knight are more in the love category (but like I said wildcard). 

So yeah I'm writing this all before watching The Help, just sort of let anybody reading know that there is some prejudice going in before watching it, couple this with the last film I watched is from the same director - Tate Taylor - and I could considered it the weakest thing I've watched so far, and in the interest of a positive though I absolutely adore Emma Stone so anyway on with the movie...

And I enjoyed up really liking The Help, it's hard to believe it was the same director as Pretty Ugly People - Collectively all the characters interested me (as appose to one) and it was story that I enjoyed following throughout, I wouldn't say it changed my mind on the Academy Award thing single-handedly but maybe it's warmed me to seeing some of the ones I haven't seen yet (such as The Artist).

I think this is the longest film I've watched so far since starting this, I consciously pick films that come in at under 2 hours and closer to 90 minutes the better to be honest - mainly so I'm not there sat twiddling my thumbs, this though comes in at over 2 hours and really didn't feel like it.

I felt like the film made good use of the time period it was set, having some knowledge of the time - such as civil rights - I think actually helps enhance the experience, and it's actually good to see a female-orientated film that is not really about the "boy".

Of the cast I most enjoyed Ocativa Spencer, proving in 2 films to me that she is one to watch, Bryce Dallas Howard was enjoyably bitchy and Jessica Chastain, I like the warmth she brought to the role, I can't leave Emma Stone who like Chastain liked what the warmness and the humanity she brought to the character.

My favourite scene is when Spencer who had previously been fired by Howard getting her revenge in pie form, Sissy Spacek's reactions for me really made that scene.

Overall, a film I really liked (love is perhaps too far), I can't falter the cast (even those I didn't mention) and the story kept me interested all the way through.

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