Wednesday 23 April 2014

72 - Taken

Connection To POISON IVY 2 - Xander Berkley
"I don't know who you are, I don't know what you want...", this speech that Liam Neeson delivers to his daughter's kidnapper in Taken as in six shorts years already reached iconic status and single handedly change Neeson into an action star.

Taken for me was a thrill ride, the beginning is pretty much just to set up a non-stop revenge thriller, Neeson goes around beating up or killing the people responsible for taking his daughter (Maggie Grace), which is not personal they just picked the wrong girl with the wrong father.

Whether you except this premise I think can alter your enjoyment, the idea might be far-fetched - she happens to be on the phone with her highly trained dad the moment they come into get her, his ex-wife's new mister happens to have a private jet that can clear and get him to Paris quickly, and little things like the reflection on a photo helps him in his quest - 

I always assumed his daughter's friends death (who is taken the same time), was just death by plot convenience, she dies so you don't have to worry about her after her scene, because after all it's not her story. Things that didn't really work for me is the sub-plot at the beginning of Neeson doing security for a singer played by Holly Vallance that is randomly picked up at the end and I don't know I felt like the finale could have been something better.

Overall very enjoyable if perhaps relies on things like coincidence a little too much, Neeson is cool as fuck here though and he's on screen a good percent of the time. 

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