Wednesday 16 April 2014

48 - Cursed

Connection To HALLOWEEN H20 - writer Kevin Williamson who was a producer on H20.

The first time director Wes Craven and screenwriter Kevin Williamson where together we got... magic, a film that's reinvigorated a dying genre by making fun of it - of course I'm talking about Scream, and teaming up again for Scream 2 they almost recaptured the same magic, the third Scream movie which also as a credited for co-writing was a misstep with the pair (though the film had it's moments) and then came Cursed, a production that seemed well... cursed.

The film was postponed over a year due issues with the script and production, this mean't a number of cast members (some which had filmed scenes), had to be replaced including Skeet Ulrich, Mandy Moore, Heather Langenkamp, Robert Forster and Corey Feldman and it's fair to say the film limped out on release rather then with a bang.

The film's plot is basically a brother and sister (Jesse Eisenberg and Christina Ricci) gets attacked by a werewolf in the Hollywood Hills and it looks like they are becoming werewolves themselves too.

You know what for a film that was rewritten and re-shot it's not really bad, it's maybe because I heard about the negativity of this production that my exceptions where very low - the film is coherent you wouldn't necessary except with a film like this - it's maybe because it stars some people I really like including Ricci and Judy Greer (which reminds me with Portia de Rossi and Scott Baio there is three Arrested Development alumni in this), while I wouldn't go far as to say this film is ripe for rediscovery because it's a film I'm sure I'll forget about in the months to come fairly easily.

The main negative is common with a lot of horror films, it is always obvious who the next victim is going to be, so much they might as have a sign that reads "eat me" on the back

Overall, I'll say it's an average horror that SPOILER (SORT OF) at least gives us a fight between Ricci and Greer END OF SPOILER that works for what it is in spite of all that was against it.

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