Wednesday 9 April 2014

22 - God Bless America

Connection To Police Academy 4 - Bobcat Goldthwait 
Dear Mr. Goldthwait,  
I enjoyed you so much as the guy with the funny voice from movies that I love such as the Police Academy films, One Crazy Summer and Scrooged. But wow, as a filmmaker you've really impressed me - I didn't think anybody could make a sweet film about a woman that gives a blowjob to a dog, but you really impressed me with World's Greatest Dad - though it was a trifle unnecessary to see Robin Williams' penis - took a subject and realistically showed how one small lie could go out of control - I am genuinely excited to see God Bless America 
Yours sincerely, 
P.S. sorry I haven't seen Shakes The Clown, that's why I didn't mention it

That's a short letter I would probably write to Bobcat Goldthwait before seeing God Bless America, for me personally no actor turned director recently have quite impressed me like him, so there's actors who are more flashy, more award friendly (I did like Ben Affleck's Argo), but over the last 10 or so years Goldthwait as being doing some pretty darn good black comedy on the smaller budget scale (you know in comparison). Of the previous Goldthwait films I have seen I have been very satisfied (like that dog) - Sleeping Dogs was good and World's Greatest Dad was better, but anyway onto God Bless America, which I have clearly pretended I haven't watched before writing of all the above.

God Bless America (or GBA I'll call it from now on) feels extremely timely - even as a Brit - I could feel the disenchantment that was felt with the world that is felt with this movie - how people act, the rise of reality TV and who is made famous because of it.

The film opens with a man who daydreams and ends up shooting a baby (which is not seen on-screen), I imagine this could be something that immediately put somebody off the film

That man is Frank (Joel Murray - brother of Bill and a former co-star of Goldthwait), who while at home flicking through the channels he sees a bunch of "reality" shows including something similar to the housewives show which ends up one woman throwing her bloody tampon at the other and an episode of American Superstarz where an handicapped guy is getting humiliated by the judges

he gets fired from his job when the receptionist that he simply nice to puts in a complaint against him and also finds out from a disinterested doctor that he has a brain tumour. Whilst trying to commit suicide a reality show starring a spoiled teenage girl comes on who throws a huge tantrum when her parents get her the wrong colour car and as an Epiphany.

He drives to the girl's school and handcuffs her to her steering wheel and ends up killing her at point blank rage, a classmate of hers Roxy (Tara Lynn Barr) witnesses this, after this he goes back to trying to kill himself in the motel but Roxy tracks him down, convincing him the media will only see him as an obsessed stalker with a crush who killed her, he ends up killing her parents after saying he only wants bad people to die and he ends up taking Roxy along for the ride.

While on paper it could sound like Natural Born Killers updated slightly, we don't end up necessary rooting for the pair and who they kill, because they mostly deserve to be told off rather then be shot to death, what is most scary particularly things like the reality TV shown, they all be fake shows but they are all so very real, Goldthwait as embellished absolutely nothing, the same for the moments of rudeness in people - the horrible cinema goer etc. - you see a lot of people like this in the real world now especially when it comes to technology. 

Murray is great and it's surprise that he doesn't get more roles, even minor, it's seems like he only pops up in roles every now and again, but he really shines, Barr's performance somewhat reminded me of Ellen Page in SUPER, this is not a negative comparison, I loved Page in that movie and to be thought of in the same breath is a compliment.

Overall, a great movie for me but a movie I would imagine would and could divide opinion which many a dark-comedy can, but enough people who will bother to watch this will find that it's a gem.

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