Sunday 6 July 2014

174 - Jawbreaker

Connection To OFFICE KILLER - Carol Kane.
Maybe I wanted another Heathers, that's probably where my disappointment comes from when I originally saw this back when - I know one positive though for me it introduced me to Judy Greer (this wasn't her first role just the first thing I saw her in).

The film is sort of Heathers meets Mean Girls (though it predates it by some 5 years) it's just not as good as either and watching it now after so long it's a bit better then I remembered, and yes having being released in the late 90's, it feels all... well late 90's to me.

The plot is kicked into gear in a stupid way (thought that then, still think it now), 3 friends accidentally killed their other friend on her birthday when they "kidnap" her but a jawbreaker in their mouth then tape over it before putting her in a boot and she dies in the meantime.

I imagine they did have Heathers on the mind in some ways when they writing and making this creating the 90's version, while both are black teen comedies the former just manages the tone much better.

Character wise Rose McGowan is pretty good as the alpha bitch as is Julie Benz as the basically a lackey to her, the third girl and the one who feels guilt at the incident Rebecca Gayheart is not particularly good though to be honest. To me the film belongs to Judy Greer who manages to play shy and nerdy and bitchy and confident both equally convincing (usually a film fails at transformations this is a rare get it right).

There is some appearences from a number of other familiar faces with Carol Kane, Pam Grier, and very, very small roles for Carrie's P.J. Soles and William Katt (seriously they get in the opening credits and are both on screen for about 5-10 seconds), and it feels like one of the few films I've seen Tatyana Ali in.

There is another Carrie connection, that got established last year, Greer actually makes a pigs blood reference related to the book and film and then went onto play the gym teacher.

Overall, 90's dated and tonally imperfect but there is shining moments in this movie, none more so then Ms. Greer. I'd say watch it if it's on but there's no need to hunt it down.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

151 - Titanic (1943)

Connection To TRIUMPH OF THE WILL - Nazi propaganda.
I don't feel like I have to put a Nazi disclaimer here like I did with Triumph Of The Will - for the simple reason it's a movie I feel like you judge on it's own merits, this could have been shown to somebody - tell them it was made in German in 1950 or whatever and in my opinion they would never know that it was commissioned by Goebbels - though it never actually got shown in Germany itself (out of fear of weakening morale rather then boosting it)

On paper, how it was initially described to me I thought it was going to be full of pig-headed Brits or Americans ignoring the dangers or faults on the Titanic while the German's stand by being in the "right" - and to be fair there is a little bit of that, but it's probably related to the reason it never got the German showing (occupied countries got to see it) is maybe the story is a bit too human.

Obviously it sounds silly saying that after all - the story of the sinking of the Titanic is a human story told countless times on the big and small screen, I just don't think when it was commissioned this would put a human face on the Nazi's enemies.

So on it's own merits, it's up there with A Night To Remember as the best film about the sinking of the Titanic (I don't have the bile for the 1997 movie like some do, it's just not my favourite telling), it's notable I mention A Night To Remember, because that film actually takes footage from this movie and re-uses it - which sort of fits in with what I said earlier, take the Nazi element out of it's background and you have no idea.

This was the first Titanic movie that seemed to set the structure of what was to come - concentrating on the passengers before the disaster strikes, it's sort of like the proto-disaster movie in a lot of ways, who would have thought I'd be saying that from a film from the Nazi's hey!

Overall taken on it's own merits, this version of Titanic stands alongside other versions, this would be talked about more I know for sure if it wasn't for those pesky Nazi's (how many times have I used that word in this write up?) because it's really a film that should be remembered.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

146 - A Time To Kill

Connection To S*P*Y*S - Donald Sutherland.
In my opinion the most engrossing John Grisham adaptation, that's not to say it's without faults - it's just the one I'd pick off a shelf to watch - A Time To Kill takes the story of a father gunning down the two men who raped his young daughter - and adding race into the mix.

And that's really it's selling point - because it's set in the Deep South, so yeah race is really an issue - which is where one of the films tensions comes from even bringing in the KKK - while the scenes are well done you can't help but think it overflows the film a bit including threats and attacks to the characters linked to Matthew McConaughey's young lawyer who takes the case.

Of course the other tension is related to the trial of Samuel L. Jackson which does end up including the films most famous line ("YES THEY DESERVE TO DIE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL!") which I think with the subject matter would have made an interesting film on it's own (as in only seeing the trial). 

There's quite a cast of familiar faces including Sandra Bullock, who is not bad in the movie but in a lot of ways is a character not needed for the film at all - but I guess she's there to add star-wattage.

One thing I noticed about the film is how sweaty it is - most noticeable with Ashley Judd (who plays McConaughey's wife). This is not a complaint just a statement.

The thing I had most trouble with is the ending and the final argument by McConaughey - it's a great heartbreaking speech but I failed to make the leap of why it would get Jackson off with the murders.

Overall overlong and too many plot strands but very watchable with a good cast and a main story you are interested in, so I would air on the side of recommended.

143 - The Road To Wellville

Connection To WAYNE'S WORLD - Dana Carvey and Lara Flynn Boyle.
I was looking online after watching this film and noticed the Rotten Tomatoes aggregate is 41%, and a user rating of 5.7 (out of 10) over on IMDB, this surprises me because that's means most peoples opinion of this are average or below average at best - it surprises me because this will be my - I think - third time watching it and have enjoyed it every time.

To be fair, it's hard to tell who the movie was originally aimed at on release - there's sex, naked skin, but none of it is particularly sexual (I did enjoy however as a teenager - Bridget Fonda's nipple in the milk bath scene) and though it's based on a true story (though heavily fictionalized), the subject matter just might not be of interest to true story movie fans.

I could actually see Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Kellogg being distracting to people with his accent and buck teeth but me, personally liked that Hopkins was willing to do something a bit different. Matthew Broderick and John Cusack are enjoyable support but I do wish Bridget Fonda's character was a bit more clearly defined but that was in the writing, nothing to do with her performance. Dana Carvey as Kellogg's adopted son I thought was among the film's more enjoyable performances.

Overall, a film that I think dares to be different - which probably why opinion is so underwhelming as was the box-office, but for me it was a nice (breakfast) treat.

137 - Nightmare In Badham County

Connection To CARAVAN OF COURAGE - Fionnula Flanagan.
Last year, I watched the 70's movie The Great Texas Dynamite Chase - which I found great, why I mentioned this, is it is related to how I discovered this movie and that was typing in the Great Texas Dynamite Chase in YouTube on the PS3 and it clicks through various uploads - often full films - that have a similar vibe, whatever going for them and this was one that just stuck out to me.

So yeah I totally went Harry Knowles there telling you about something so not relevant to my opinion of the film - but I guess I just wanted you the fictional reader to know how I came across this movie and sometimes it's worth leaving it up to chance where you get took.

Women-in-prison (or in this case women-in-prison-farm) movies are popular for obvious reasons - potential nudity, potential lesbianism, both jump to mind - even the Netflix show Orange Is The New Black (which has both) shows there is still life in this sub-genre, you can be shocked by the way the women get treated but you can also revel in it's T&A.

Nightmare In Badham County started life as an ABC TV movie but did get released in foreign markets (it was a huge hit in China) with added nudity and the like - this is the version I assumed I watched since there was full frontal, which I can't see being on ABC.

Two girls - one white, one black (which is relevant in the film, because they get segregated once in the prison farm) are pulled over by dodgy sheriff (an enjoyably slimely turn from Chuck Conners) who ends up after they verbally get the better of him a cafe comes up with trumped up charges, that with the help of judge (Ralph Bellamy - also enjoyable) who ending putting the girls in the prison for a minimum of 30 days.

While the film does feature the usual standards of women-in-prison films including the not mentioned yet sadistic prison guards, I found it very enjoyable from start to finish - I was rooting for the girls to get out of there and the bad people to get their comeuppance SPOILER which the first part of the sentence only half happens and the bad guys - no comeuppance END OF SPOILER.

One moment of lesbian/nudity I wanted to point just for the reason of who's in the scene and it was one of the sadistic prison guards being played by Fionnula Flanagan, I bring this up because she has a full frontal scene, and is weird the number of films I've seen with her as an older woman, just not somebody I expected to add to celebrities who I have seen nude.

Overall, well worth a watch particularly if you are fan of this sub genre, it didn't feel like a TV movie at all so don't let that put you off, I'm easily on the side of recommended here.

135 - Under The Rainbow

Connection To JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK - Carrie Fisher.
The legend of the debauchery that the actors who played the Munchkins in The Wizard Of Oz still exists today, even the star Judy Garland helped add to the legend talking about it on the talk short circuit in her later years, however most signs probably point to not really being true - that didn't stop a film being made about it 1981 - with an added Nazi/Japanese subplot.

Though the film flopped hard on release I couldn't help but like it - I think I am forgiving of films from the 1980's then any other decade (Soul Man being a prime example) - there's plenty of groan-worthy jokes in here (including one that actually sets a plot into motion, which I'll get too later).

Maybe the film would have been better recieved at the time if they forgone the plots that didn't involve the Munchkin performers being all chaotic in the hotel, the film spends it's time mostly concentrating on Chevy Chase's bodyguard for a foreign ambassador and Carrie Fisher whose been employed by the studio to wrangle the actors, which at least both where in their prime - Princess Leia spends a portion of the movie in her bra - and this flop was a blip on the career of Chase rather then the later par of the course for him.

There's enough going on the movie though to stop it from being anything but boring - you'll recognize an all bunch of the little people actors just from other stuff you've seen with the focus on the little people, and only a couple of jokes really hit the spot.

Overall, I enjoyed it on the whole, I could nitpick the criticisms many people give this but I think it's worth giving it a try.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

122 - The Fearless Hyena

Connection To THE INVINCIBLE EIGHT - James Tien.
Before watching the remastered widescreen version of this in it's original language recently, I had only ever seen the full screen dubbed version on VHS, this mean't my opinion had been that to say it most diplomatic - this was one of Jackie Chan's lesser efforts - but seeing it how it was mean't to be seen - I have to say this film is a lost classic - in my humble opinion it deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as Drunken Master and Snake In The Eagle Shadow (seriously).

Going back to the VHS days - I hope I can explain this well, we are talking this is 1990 - 93ish my brother was starting his lifelong love for Hong Kong cinema and particularly Jackie Chan and with him buying the VHS means I got to see (albeit dubbed) classics such as Police Story, Project A and Wheels On Meals - and there was sort of 2 Chan camps, the early Chan and the more recent Chan, the early Chan where worse prints and worse boxes, everything means I saw them as the lesser films, that's what Spiritual Kung Fu was (called Karate Ghostbusters) or something like Half A Loaf Of Kung Fu, and of course (to remain relevant) The Fearless Hyena, and like I say these titles where lumped together as before Chan's prime - even though some films like this where made after Drunken Master - and was no way going to get as much play as Police Story.

The Fearless Hyena which was also Chan's directorial debut (from 1979, the year after Drunken Master) was I think him trying to prove a point - there's loads of fighting, comedy but also drama (just to prove he could do it), some of this was probably aimed at the director Lo Wei who he had up until then recently being under contract to just to say if you let me be - look what you could have had.

While it's not entirely original (even in the Chan oeuvre) hitting the marks as you would expect, there is both vintage Chan fighting and Chan comedy (and Chan in drag as the picture suggests), and while some scenes might echo say Drunken Master, Chan adds enough to them to make them seem fresh.

Overall, avoid the dubbed full screen and if you get a chance to see a decent print in the original language to me you'll be beyond pleasantly surprised. Recommended.